5 ways to survive between surf trips

If your surf reality looks like mine, which means that you have to travel several hundred kilometers to surf, this post is for you. It’s hard to be stoked and motivated between surf trips, but there are ways to survive this time in a productive way.

Surfing workout: posture and balance

Here’s the first part of 10 exercises training plan that can help you prepare your key muscles for intense surfing (during your next surf trip). For starters, the absolute basis: exercise for proper posture and balance.

(Inland) surfing workout: lake paddling

Nothing will replace the real waves, but it is still possible to practice some aspects of surfing away from the ocean, such as paddling. I, for example, do that on my favorite lake near Cracow. Check it out!

Surfing workout: better paddling & more waves

Here’s the last part of the workout plan that will help you prepare your body for surfing. This time the emphasis is on the muscles that help paddle longer and catch more waves.

Beach boy commuting

How to give your office “uniform” a more beach-like touch while maintaining elegance? My answer is: a good mix of old proven marine style classics.

Old but gold

If you’ve been an old pool for some time you can miss the water but never the vibe.